Former HMDA Chief Engineer BLN Reddy did not appear before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for questioning on Thursday in the Hyderabad Formula E Race case. Reddy has requested additional time from ED officials for the investigation.
IAS officer Arvind Kumar, who was scheduled for questioning on January 3, has also reportedly asked for an extension. ED officials are currently reviewing both time extension requests, new questioning dates yet to be announced.
The ED is investigating a significant financial transaction where Rs 45.71 crores were directly transferred to Formula E Operations in British Pounds. This investigation follows an earlier case registered by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).
The ACB had previously filed a case naming former Minister KTR as A-1, former Municipal Commissioner Arvind Kumar as A-2, and former HMDA Chief Engineer BLN Reddy as A-3. Sources indicate that former Minister KTR is scheduled to appear before the ED on January 7 for questioning.
The investigation continues to focus on the financial aspects of the Hyderabad Formula E Race event, with ED officials examining the money trail and related documentation.