Ram Charan’s recent offering Game Changer released yesterday and the response has been poor. The film also failed to register decent openings and footfalls across the globe. The opening numbers in North, Kerala and other regions are below par. The makers should have stayed calm and they should have avoided posting the box-office numbers and release posters. The production house released that Game Changer grossed Rs 186 crores on its first day. Soon, social media is flooded with trolls and abuses. Any big film’s major contribution comes from the North Indian market if the film is a hit. Bollywood media is questioning the performance of Game Changer when the film performed poor in the North.
Twitter is full of trolls about the box-office poster. The fans of other heroes are calling it a next level fake poster. Game Changer is expected to be the biggest loss film for top producer Dil Raju. Shankar is badly trolled for his work in the film. The second day numbers of Game Changer are quite poor and the film is declared as a disaster. Game Changer featured Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, Srikanth, SJ Suryah, Anjali and Sunil in the lead roles. Thaman scored the music and Sri Venkateswara Creations are the producers.