The highly anticipated film Game Changer, featuring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, faced a significant setback on its release day. Despite the massive investment and three years of effort, the movie’s HD print was leaked online, causing widespread concern. The film was produced by Dil Raju and Sirish and released during the Sankranti festival, but it soon started circulating on various piracy platforms, including Telegram and pirated websites.
The leak was the result of a coordinated effort by a group of approximately 45 individuals as per the team. They claimed that the film’s team members and producers had received threats on social media and WhatsApp prior to the movie’s release. They demanded a massive amount or else they threatened to leak the piracy print if their demands were not met. The team revealed that critical plot details were shared on social media platforms two days before the release, and the HD print was made available online immediately after the film’s premiere.
The Game Changer team has filed a formal complaint with the Cyber Crime Police Station, presenting evidence against the accused group. The filmmakers expressed concerns about whether this group was acting independently or under external influence. The filmmakers launched an inquiry into the claims. They also accused multiple social media accounts of deliberately disseminating negative sentiments about the film. Reportedly, clips and spoilers were shared on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, allegedly interfering with the audience’s experience of the movie. The team said they had filed complaints against these accounts and suggested they might take further legal steps.