Young and talented Sundeep Kishan is working with successful director Trinadha Rao Nakkina. The film titled Mazaka is a full-length entertainer. Ritu Varma is the heroine and Rao Ramesh, Anshu will be seen in other prominent roles. The makers are in plans to release the film during the Maha Shivarathri weekend. The film’s budget has crossed Rs 30 crores and it would end around Rs 33 crores. Zee Studios have acquired the non-theatrical rights of Mazaka for a whopping price of Rs 20 crores. This is a huge deal for a Sundeep Kishan’s film. The makers will now have to recover Rs 13 crores.
The other non-theatrical rights will keep the film in a comfortable space. If the film ends up decent, the makers will make handsome profits. The teaser generated enough buzz and the entertainment is promising. Leon James is scoring the music and AK Entertainments, Hasya Movies are the producers. Mazaka is aimed for February 21st release across the globe. The promotional activities of the film will start very soon.