Young Tiger NTR will work with KGF director Prashanth Neel and the pre-production work has been wrapped up. The shoot of the film is expected to commence by the end of this month. We have an interesting update about the film. The film revolves around the drug mafia that takes place in the Golden Triangle region. Myanmar, Thailand and Laos are named as the Golden Triangle and the world drug mafia operates from this region.
The film is rumored to be titled Dragon and it revolves around the drug smuggling mafia in the Golden Triangle. Rukmini Vasanth has been finalized as the leading lady and Tovino Thomas and Biju Menon will be seen playing other important roles. A Bollywood actor will be seen as the lead antagonist in Dragon. Mythri Movie Makers and NTR Arts will jointly produce this prestigious film that will be high on action. Prashanth Neel is in plans to complete the shoot by August and the film releases during Sankranthi 2026.