Macho Star Gopichand has been struggling with back-to-back debacles. Bheema ended up as an average grosser while Viswam left the actor in disappointment again. Gopichand has been in talks with Radhe Shyam fame Radha Krishna Kumar for some time and the project is now in trouble. UV Creations, the producers of the film, backed out and it is kept on hold currently. Gopichand has given his nod for Sankalp Reddy who made an impressive debut with Ghazi. But his next films Anthariksham and IB-71 ended up as disappointments.
Sankalp has penned a script based on a real life incident and impressed Gopichand. This would be Gopichand’s next film after Viswam. Srinivasaa Chitturi will produce this project and it will start rolling next year. The pre-production work is currently under process. This film would be an acid test for both Gopichand and Sankalp Reddy. More updates to be announced officially soon.