Trisha starrer Nayaki and Nayagi in Tamil is in the last leg of shoot. Director Govi is all praise for Sushma Raj who is playing a very crucial role in the film. He says, “Sushma is a good looking and a talented actor. Just not that she is very professional, comes to the sets on time, honours her commitments and leaves, doesn’t leave any scope for complaint. We had taken her for this movie because her height matches Trisha’s and since we were making a bi-lingual, I needed someone who is familiar with Tamil. I had seen India-Pakistan and felt she did a decent job.” Sushma made her debut with Neelakanta’s Maya, one of the heroine’s in a Kumar Nagendra film and a couple of Tamil films one of which is Vijay Antony’s India Pakistan. This film is sure to give her career a boost.
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