Talented writer and director Harish Shankar suffered a massive setback with Mr Bachchan. The film is the remake of Bollywood film Raid. Harish Shankar is in waiting mode for Pawan Kalyan and they are working on Ustaad Bhagat Singh, the remake of Tamil film Theri. Harish Shankar has done ample changes to the script in the recent months and the bound script is ready. Pawan Kalyan is expected to allocate dates for the project after he completes the shoot of Hari Hara Veera Mallu and OG. Meanwhile, Harish Shankar is working on a script for Balakrishna.
Harish Shankar and Balakrishna have been discussing about collaborating for a long time. S Naga Vamsi has initiated talks from both the sides to produce the project if things fall in the right place. For now, Harish Shankar is working on the script and further developments will be known after he narrates the draft to Balakrishna. Harish Shankar is also in talks with Ram for a film but there are no updates about the project. Harish Shankar will have to complete Ustaad Bhagat Singh before taking up his next film.