The upcoming crime thriller HATHYA, releasing on January 24, is generating immense excitement among cinema enthusiasts. Directed by Srividya Basawa, the film promises to deliver a riveting narrative that combines suspense and dramatic depth. Known for her meticulous storytelling, Srividya Basawa has once again teamed up with Dop Abhiraj Rajendran Nair and music composer Naresh Kumaran P to bring this thrilling project to life.
Starring Dhanya Balakrishna, Ravi Varma, and Pooja Ramachandran as the main leads, HATHYA is poised to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
In the Telugu states, influential politician J.C. Dharmendra Reddy is found brutally murdered in his residence, sending shockwaves across the political spectrum and the general public. The case is handed over to Sudha, a fearless and uncompromising cop known for her tenacity. As she dives deep into the investigation, she uncovers a labyrinth of secrets, deception, and lies, revealing a trail of political conspiracies and hidden motives.
The narrative is inspired by the real-life case of Y S Vivekananda Reddy, a prominent political leader, who was mysteriously found dead in his own house, sparking widespread media attention and public outrage.
The trailer for HATHYA, launched by celebrated actor Dulquer Salmaan, has already created a buzz in the industry. Its gripping visuals and intriguing storyline offer a glimpse into a film that is set to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
While Madha, Srividya Basawa’s previous work, garnered critical acclaim and won 26 awards globally, HATHYA takes the stakes even higher. The film focuses on delivering a high-quality cinematic experience, with a sharp focus on storytelling and technical brilliance. The creative team’s commitment to pushing boundaries in independent cinema is evident, and expectations are at an all-time high for this new release.
As the January 24, 2025 release date approaches, HATHYA has positioned itself as a must-watch for fans of crime investigative thrillers. With it’s talented team and a premise that promises a gripping tale of suspense, HATHYA is ready to make a lasting impact on the cinematic landscape.