HCL to provide 15k jobs to youth in AP


The HCL had started expansion work in Andhra Pradesh. Its senior corporate vice-president Sivashankar, associate vice-president Sivaprasad met Minister for Human Resources and IT, Nara Lokesh in Amaravati on Tuesday. They held talks on expansion of the HCL in Andhra Pradesh.

The HCL had opened its office in the state during the previous TDP regime before 2019. It had provided 4,500 jobs to the youth in the first phase. Now, they are going for the second phase expansion. This time the job target is 15,000.

The HCL proposes to give 5,500 jobs immediately as they start the expansion work. Later, it would be extended to 10,000 jobs, the HCL representatives told the IT Minister. They also told the minister that they plan to start the work as and when the government gives them permission and other incentives.

Minister Lokesh promised to support the HCL in Andhra Pradesh. He wanted them to come with big plans to widen their presence in the state. He said that the government would stand by the corporates providing employment opportunities to the youth in the state. He welcomed any investment to the state. He promised to support the investors. He told them that the government is pro-investor and would offer incentives that no other state is giving.

The HCL representatives told the Minister that they were planning to bring new technology to the state in accordance with the changing trends around the world. The new technology would help in giving more jobs to the youth, they told the minister.

They have also offered to be part of the state government in conducting skill census and skill development. They said that they would be part of the skill development university in the state. They would also be part of the state government’s target of providing 20 lakh jobs to the youth.

The HCL representatives also requested the Minister to release some incentives for the first phase which were stopped by the previous YSR Congress government. They also requested the minister to speed up the process of giving clearances for the second phase. They told the minister that they are ready with funds to start the second phase.

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