Avantika, former model who made her debut with Neelakanta directed Maya hasn’t had it easy. The film wasn’t a success at the box office. She even auditioned for Sumanth Ashwin-Sai Kiran film Kerintha, was selected and later dropped after a reasonable amount of shoot. Finally hope knocked on her door with a short film maker Hussain who gave her an opportunity to play a lead in his debut film. This film is being made in a small budget of one crore and is produced by Allu Aravind. The shoot is currently on in Shamshabad. Currently quite a few actors are trying their luck in films being made by lesser known directors. Ritu Verma and Vijay Devarkonda are doing Pelli Choopulu in a film directed by a short film maker Tarun Bhaskar who came up with a Telangana movie Sainma. Let us see if this film fetches luck for the tall and pretty Ms Mishra.
Rana Daggubati’s Food Stories Inauguration