Maverick movie maker Teja’s latest offering with his customary new casting, Hora Hori is all set to release on September 11th 2015. Hora Hori is in the last stages of its post production work and will be ready in time to hit the screens on September 11th. Audio of Hora Hori scored by Kalyani Malik is a hit among the audience and the trailer of the film piqued the interest of movie goers. Hora Hori is produced by KL Damodar Prasad and Teja jointly. Damodar Prasad is famous for his meaningful entertainers Anthakamundu Aa Tarvatha and Ala Modalaindi. Hora Hori has good buzz around it and sources say that picturization of songs is going to be the major highlight of the film.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance