After the coronavirus pandemic, the film industry has seen some of the biggest changes. There was a shrink in the theatrical revenue and the audience have been rushing to watch successful films. The digital deals reached the peaks and the digital platforms like Amazon Prime and Netflix introduced crazy deals for Indian producers. This brought a huge boost among the producers and some of the filmmakers made table profits even before the release of their films. Gradually, there was a decline in the satellite market. The Hindi players too offered big deals for Tollywood producers which also brought added revenue for them. Considering the deals, all the Tollywood producers started doing multiple films by paying huge amounts for stars and young actors.

It is then the digital players realized that the producers have been mostly relying on the digital revenues. Things changed drastically in the past six months. The digital players turned quite selective and they are dictating the release dates. They have a lot of demands right from the release dates to the deals. Several upcoming biggies of the stars and the young actors of Telugu cinema are unsold. There is nothing to blame the digital players. Our producers turned over enthusiastic and started multiple films. The players are quite cautious and they are tracking the success rate of the actors, directors and the production houses before entering into a deal. Their new clause is to pay a partial amount of the deal if the film ends up as a dud in theatres. Most of the production houses are now facing tough times and are in financial stress after the digital deals are unsold. They have to be extra cautious at this time and make successful films. Else, there would be a huge damage for the filmmakers financially.

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