Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has surprised his Cabinet colleagues on the occasion of New Year 2025. The news coming from Congress insiders, says that CM has called all the Ministers on the occasion of New Year and wished them.
From Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka to women Ministers Seethakka and Konda Surekha, CM Revanth Reddy has reportedly called all his team members to wish on the occasion.
While CM and his Ministers interact daily, the gesture of Revanth Reddy, personally calling specifically on the new year, to wish his colleagues was certianly a pleasant surprise for all.
However, with country mourning the death of former PM Manmohan Singh, neither CM nor his colleagues did not indulge in any celebrations.
CM Revanth Reddy’s gesture comes as even more special, when compared with the previous CM KCR’s life style. KCR was known to be inaccessible to even his party leaders. Whenever there was any important or auspicious occasion, party leaders themselves used to call and get an appointment with KCR. KCR used to bless them at his then residence Pragati Bhavan or at his farmhouse.
But present CM Revanth Reddy’s function and lifestyle has been stark opposite of KCR’s. Ministers, MLAs and party leaders can easily meet Revanth Reddy at his residence. Though there are some official checks at Secretariat, people can easily meet CM at his residence in Jubilee Hills or when he visits Gandhi Bhavan.