Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan completed 25 years in Indian cinema and his debut film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai re-released recently. His father Rakesh Roshan directed the film and it went on to be one of the biggest hits of Indian cinema. In a recent interview, Rakesh Roshan made some sensational revelations that took place after the release of the film. He said that the underworld approached him to do a film with Hrithik Roshan and they wanted to fund for the project. After the release of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Rakesh Roshan was shot in Mumbai and he drove himself with two bullets inside his body. Rakesh Roshan recovered slowly.
Rakesh Roshan said that he rejected the proposal of the underworld citing that Hrithik Roshan’s dates are full. He said that he never encouraged them or gave an indication of doing a film for the underworld. There was a pressure on Rakesh Roshan about taking off the dates from the other producers but he said that he refused to do so. Rakesh Roshan said that there was a tense situation but he and his son never encouraged the underworld. Hrithik Roshan is currently shooting for War 2 and the film is slated for August 2025 release.