Natural Star Nani’s Saripodhaa Sanivaaram released last week and the weekend numbers have been decent. The ongoing rains and floods in the Telugu states impacted the weekday numbers of the film. The re-release of Pawan Kalyan’s Gabbar Singh too has taken a toll on the footfalls of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. Vijay’s GOAT released yesterday and the word of mouth has been disastrous. The openings across the Telugu states are quite dull for the film. Other releases like Suhas’ Janaka Aithe Ganaka and Raj Tarun’s Bhale Unnade are pushed further and there are not many options for the audience this weekend.

Saturday also happens to be Vinayaka Chavithi and Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is expected to get the needed boost over the weekend. The film is expected to make decent money in the next two days for sure. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram will take the advantage of this weekend. The film is an action thriller directed by Vivek Athreya and Nani, Priyanka Mohan, SJ Suryah played the lead roles. DVV Danayya bankrolled Saripodhaa Sanivaaram.

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