Mohan Babu and his younger son Manoj made strong allegations against each other. They even filed cases against each other and the cops are investigating the matter. Manoj interacted with the media this morning outside the Jalpally residence of the Manchu family. He said that he is not fighting for money and it is for his self respect and for his family. Manchu Vishnu who is residing in Dubai returned back to Hyderabad this morning. A crucial meeting is planned in the family today.
Soon, Vishnu and Manoj hired personal bouncers and they started attacking each other in the premises. The videos of the bouncers attacking each other are going viral. Mohan Babu who has his legacy in films has lost control and he became the point of discussion across the circles of Tollywood. Without resolving the issue, Mohan Babu announced that he has a life threat from his younger son Manoj and his wife Mounika. Hope the issues will soon get resolved.