In 2024, Allu Arjun’s fame skyrocketed due to the remarkable success of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The movie generated immense buzz and exceeded expectations at the box office. Meanwhile, 2023 was the year of Shah Rukh Khan, who made a historic comeback with the blockbuster Pathaan. His subsequent film, Jawan, even surpassed Pathaan’s records. Now, in 2025, these two megastars are set to come together for a Thums Up advertising campaign. Both Allu Arjun and Shah Rukh Khan endorse the soft drink brand, and the team decided to unite them for this high-profile collaboration, which is sure to captivate audiences.
Shah Rukh Khan’s popularity extends beyond Bollywood, as evidenced by the impressive performance of Jawan in the southern states. Allu Arjun, on the other hand, has built a strong fan base with his Hindi-dubbed films, and Pushpa further amplified his reach in the Hindi-speaking markets. The new Thums Up campaigns are typically launched in the second half of February or the first half of March. Allu Arjun will soon work with Trivikram and Shah Rukh Khan will soon start the shoot of his upcoming film King.