This is not the first time a unit member died of electric shock in Tollywood. For Ashwini Dutt’s production Sainikudu too, a unit member died after he got in touch with an electric wire. Yesterday, the shooting of Indraganti Mohan Krishna film starring Nivedha Thomas, Nani and Surabhi was called off at Hayathnagar. The shoot was taking place at Sanghi temple and the victim Pathikayala Tirupati Rao, a caravan boy and a lighting assistant died on the spot while setting up the equipment and came in contact with a loose cable. He was from Srikakulam and living in Serligmpally. Hours before the shooting was about to begin Tirupati Rao fell suddenly and remained unconscious. Those who noticed him rushed him to the hospital but he was declared dead. He probably died on the spot. The cops say the shoot was on without proper paper work and locals asserted that they were not informed before hand. The victim’s relatives have filed a complained at the local police station on the producers.
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