Tollywood’s top actor Ram Charan is shooting for Shankar’s social drama that is packed with action. The film’s next schedule will start in January and the major cast will be present in this schedule’s shoot. There are talks that Ram Charan will be seen in a dual role as a father and son in this untitled film. The flashback episodes on the father are shot in East Godavari district. There are talks that Charan will be suffering with a speaking disorder in the film. The filming of these episodes are completed.
The father’s role in this film played by Charan will suffer with this stammering in this film. Varun Tej suffered with stammering in F3 and Vijay Deverakonda played a role with similar disorder in Liger. A romantic number was shot recently on Ram Charan and Kiara Advani in New Zealand recently. The shooting portions of the film are expected to be completed by the mid of next year. Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateswara Creations are the producers and Thaman is scoring the music, background score. The film is aimed for Sankranthi 2023 release.