Top actress Anushka has taken a long break from work and she has picked up Ghaati, an unique attempt directed by Krish. The film has been under shoot from a long time and the entire shoot of the film is now wrapped up. Krish aims for a summer release for the film and he is currently overlooking the post-production work. The first teaser gained everyone’s attention and Anushka is seen in an action mode and she sported intense looks in the released glimpse. Ghaati is a pan-Indian attempt and the film releases in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages.
The film is said to be set in the backdrop of the cannabis trade. UV Creations and First Frame Entertainment are the producers of Ghaati. Ramya Krishna, Jagapathi Babu, Vikram Prabhu, VTV Ganesh and Ravindra Vijay will be seen in other prominent roles in Ghaati. The makers will announce the release date early next year.