It’s official: Revanth Sarkar puts an end to Bathukamma Sarees


CM Revanth Reddy-led Congress Government has decided to end distribution of Bathukamma sarees. In place of Bathukamma sarees, Government will distribute two sarees each to the members of self help groups.

Former CM KCR had introduced the practice of distributing Bathukamma sarees to women in Telangana on the occasion of Bathukamma during Dasara festival season.

While the intention behind Bathukamma sarees scheme was good, there were many complaints about Bathukamma sarees quality. The quality was so poor, most of the women used it for other purposes than wearing.

Ever since Congress came back to power, there has been a debate over the continuation of Bathukamma sarees distribution. Opposition BRS had even complained that Congress Govt is trying to stop Bathukamma sarees distribution, as it had not placed orders with handloom weavers for sarees. But there was no clarity from Government’s side about whether, it will continue Bathukamma sarees distribution or not.

Finally, CM Revanth Reddy himself has put an end to the suspense over Bathukamma sareees. During the inauguration of Indian Institute of Handloom Technology (IIHT), Revanth Reddy said that earlier Government used to distribute sarees of very poor quality during Bathukamma festival. He added, as those sarees are of very poor quality Government has decided to stop.

“Concerns have been raised that if we stop Bathukamma sarees, handloom weavers will lose work. To ensure that weavers do not lose work, we have decided to give two good quality sareees with best designs to self help group members. There are about 63 lakh women in self help groups. If we distribute two sarees each, then about 1.30 Cr sarees need to be made. This will ensure abundant work for weavers,” explained CM Revanth Reddy, clarifying that Bathukamma sarees are now a thing of past.


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