Bollywood veteran actor Sunny Deol made his comeback with Gadar 2 and he is doing a bilingual in Hindi and Telugu languages. The film is titled Jaat and is directed by Gopichand Malineni. Jaat is a high voltage action entertainer and the teaser is attached with Pushpa 2: The Rule in theatres. The teaser is out now and it is packed with a huge dose of high voltage action. The entire teaser elevates the characterization of Sunny Deol who plays the title role as Jaat. The visuals and the background score should have a special mention.
Thaman is the music director and Rishi Punjabi is the cinematographer. Randeep Hooda, Regina Cassandra, Vineet Kumar Singh, Saiyami Kher and others will be seen in other important roles. Two top production houses Mythri Movie Makers and People Media Factory have joined hands to produce Jaat. The film is slated for summer 2025 release in April. The shoot of the film will be concluded very soon.