In a shocking turn of events, popular Jabardasth comedians Rithu Chowdhary, also known as Vanam Divya, and her husband Srikanth are now at the center of a massive Rs. 700 crore land scam in Andhra Pradesh. The duo, known for their small roles in movies and comedy skits, is accused of illegally acquiring properties worth hundreds of crores through fraudulent land registrations.
The scam came to light after a retired Sub-Registrar, Dharm Singh, wrote an open letter to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. In his letter, Dharm Singh revealed how he was allegedly forced to sign fake documents under pressure. According to reports, Vanam Divya and Srikanth, along with some influential people from Tadepalli, manipulated the system to register properties without proper payment or documentation.
How the Scam Worked
Dharm Singh claimed that Vanam Divya and Srikanth used his help to register properties in their names without paying the required amount. Shockingly, the documents showed cash transactions, but no money was actually exchanged. In many cases, the properties were registered as cash deals, bypassing legal limits on cash transactions, which should not exceed Rs. 2 lakh. Additionally, PAN details were not recorded, raising further suspicions about the legitimacy of these deals.
The couple, who were once struggling actors taking up minor roles, suddenly became owners of properties worth Rs. 200 crores. The source of their wealth remains a mystery, as their earnings from small roles in movies and comedy shows could not have funded such massive acquisitions.
Tadepalli Connection
Reports suggest that Vanam Divya and Srikanth developed connections with influential figures in Tadepalli, who allegedly helped them carry out these illegal activities. Dharm Singh, the retired Sub-Registrar, claimed that he was threatened and forced to complete the registrations. He admitted to taking bribes but later realized he was being used as a scapegoat.
Legal Action and Public Outrage
The Andhra Pradesh government has taken serious note of the allegations, and cases are likely to be filed against those involved. The scam has sparked outrage among the public, with many demanding a thorough investigation. This incident is believed to be just one of many corruption cases that took place during the previous government’s tenure.
Vanam Divya’s Rising Career
Vanam Divya, popularly known as Rithu Chowdhary, gained fame through her roles in TV serials and comedy skits on the Jabardasth show. Recently, she ventured into entrepreneurship by opening Sukha Farmstay near Moinabad. However, her name being linked to such a massive scam has raised questions about her sudden rise in wealth and influence.
As of now, Vanam Divya has not responded to the allegations. It is important to note that these are just accusations, and no charges have been proven in court.
With Dharm Singh’s revelations, the investigation is expected to uncover more shocking details. The case has already put the spotlight on corruption in land registrations, and many are waiting to see how the government handles this high-profile scam.