Former Minister, BRS senior MLA G Jagadeesh Reddy rocked Assembly on Thursday, with his comments on Speaker Gaddam Prasad Kumar.
Jagadeesh Reddy, who is known for his ferocious speech, was interrupted by Assembly Speaker Gaddam Prasad and advised not to lose cool and maintain restraint.
Reacting to Assembly Speaker’s advice, Jagadish Reddy asked Speaker to show, ‘when he lost cool.’
When Speaker stressed that Jagadish Reddy was aggressive towards Speaker himself, BRS senior leader further said, “I have never lost cool or intolerant towards you. But you are just a Head of all of us in the Assembly.”
The comments of Jagadish Reddy were considered undermining Speaker chair and Congress MLAs started protesting against Jagadeesh Reddy inside and outside the House.
Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Seethakka even went on to say that as Gaddam Prasad is a Dalit, he is not being respected by BRS leaders.
On the otherside, BRS senior Harish Rao defended Jagadish Reddy, saying latter has not made any offending comments against Speaker.
As BRS and Congress leaders fought with each other over Jagadish Reddy’s comments on Speaker, the events finally led to suspension of former Minister and BRS senior.