In 2017, after the ghastly Diwakar Travels bus tragedy, the then Opposition Leader Jaganmohan Reddy barged into the mortuary at the General Hospital. He also snatched documents from officials and threatened the then District Collector Ahmad Babu. There were videos showing that Jagan had intimidated and threatened to send the Collector to the Central Jail. The police filed a case against Jagan based on the evidence available.
It may be recalled that Ahmad Babu was known as one of the favourite IAS officers during the Chandrababu Naidu regime. So, after coming to power, CM Jagan did not give immediate posting to him. After a few months, Ahmad Babu had to do lobbying with the YCP leaders for regaining a post in the Government. He was carrying out his duties as usual.
Now, all of a sudden, the Krishna district police closed the intimidation case filed against the CM. The CI concerned has filed the charge sheet stating that it was a ‘mistake of facts’. The charge sheet said that there was no intimidation involved since Jagan Reddy was just trying to get real facts regarding how the bus mishap took place. The police did not even serve notice to the prime accused Jagan in the case. At one stage, the court wondered how to give bail to the other accused when the main accused was not served notice and not given bail.
Political circles are full of rumours that this case was hastily closed in view of the impending threat of speeding up cases against the MLAs and the MPs as ordered by the Supreme Court of India.
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