Veteran actor Jagapathi Babu is doing very well in his second innings, which began with ‘Legend’. The handsome hero is killing it in negative roles and supporting roles, bringing both glamour and conviction to such roles. While the actor is making good money, he is still not quite happy with the work he is getting. Jagapathi Babu is keen on doing more work and he is quietly sending feelers to all directors and producers, stating that he is open to doing any kind of roles. The veteran actor has been complaining among close circles about Tollywood is not utilising his abilities to the fullest. While directors are keen on making use of his star image for negative roles, his high price is causing some of them to drop out. Perhaps, if Jagapathi Babu can reduce his remuneration a little, things will work out in his favour.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance