Kishore Tirumala has spent a lot of time on Nenu Shailaja, it was earlier named HariKatha. The film is releasing on Jan 1st. It is crucial just not for him but for Ram as well who is reeling under flops. Kishore has to deliver a hit for the hero and has made many last minute changes after the debacle of Shivam. Though he directed Second Hand in Telugu, his first film in Tamil was Peliyar Thedu Kadisi Veeran with Jeeva’s brother Ramesh for Supergood Films. The movie did not do well. He went to Chennai for the dubbing of Nenu Neeku Telusa (the Tamil version) and narrated a story to Jeeva. He was impressed. He can read and write in Telugu and Tamil and had written dialogues for both the versions. His father speaks Telugu and his mother is a Tamilian.
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