Tamil actor Ravi Mohan, formerly known as Jayam Ravi, has announced that he will now go by his birth name Ravi Mohan. He says this new name aligns better with his personal and professional aspirations and identity. Additionally, Ravi Mohan has launched his own production company called Ravi Mohan Studios, which aims to create and showcase stories that inspire and captivate global audiences. Furthermore, he has transformed his fan clubs into the Ravi Mohan Fans Foundation, a philanthropic initiative to support those in need. Ravi Mohan was previously in the news for separating from his wife Aarti, with whom he has two sons, Aarav and Aayan. Professionally, he was last seen in the films Siren and Brother, and his upcoming project is Kadhalika Neramillai, set to release on January 14, 2025.
“As we step into a new year filled with hope and endless possibilities, I am excited to share a transformative decision that marks a new chapter in my journey. Cinema is/has always been my greatest passion and the foundation of my career, a world that has shaped who I am today. As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with immense gratitude for the opportunities, love, and support that cinema and all of you have given me. I look forward to extending my support to the industry that gave me life, love, and purpose. To pursue my unwavering passion for cinema, I am delighted to announce the launch of ‘Ravi Mohan Studios’, a production house dedicated to discovering and championing compelling narratives that inspire, captivate, and resonate with audiences worldwide. This venture represents my commitment to nurturing emerging talent and bringing profound, meaningful stories to Cinema” told his statement.