The pandemic is far from over, having claimed more than 1 million lives in the USA alone. US President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, demonstrating that the virus continues to spread. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that he is currently experiencing mild symptoms and has returned to Delaware to self-isolate. At 79 years old, Biden is considered high-risk. Despite being fully vaccinated and having received two booster shots, he still contracted the virus.

Biden has been experiencing upper respiratory symptoms, including a runny nose and a dry cough. After feeling unwell for two days, he took a COVID-19 test, which came back positive. Following CDC guidelines for symptomatic individuals, the President will isolate himself while continuing to carry out all of his duties. Doctors have already given him the first dose of Paxlovid, an antiviral therapy. He will remain in isolation for at least 5 days.

A scheduled appearance at a Unidos event in Las Vegas was cancelled at the last minute due to Biden’s diagnosis.

The White House has promised to provide regular updates on the President’s health status.


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