Kalki2898AD First Day Worldwide Expectations – Eyes 180 Cr opening


Kalki2898AD First Day Worldwide Expectations

Kalki2898AD which is releasing tomorrow ie, on 27th June is eyeing a Humongous start. The film is having bumper advance in AP/TS & Overseas (especially North America) which is on track for All Time Record Premieres while it’s good in North India & Karnataka. Tamil Nadu / Kerala are having average advances which was expected. It has raked more than 17 Cr advance in Hyderabad city alone which is All Time Record. Kalki is on track to collect 180 Cr gross worldwide on the opening day which was achieved by only Baahubali2 & RRR earlier.

Below are the expected day1 numbers for the film (Gross):

AreaTwo Days CollectionsDay1 Worldwide CollectionsFirst Day Worldwide Expectations
Nizam25.5 Cr 16.5 Cr
Ceeded7.35 Cr5.1 Cr
UA6.52 Cr4.60 Cr
Guntur3.70 Cr2.74 Cr
East4.34 Cr3.35 Cr
West3.13 Cr2.46 Cr
Krishna3.40 Cr2.40 Cr
Nellore1.75 Cr1.25 Cr
Total55.69 Cr (86Cr Gross)38.4 Cr (58Cr Gross)
AP/TS70 Cr
KA8.5 Cr (17 Cr Gross)5.5 Cr (11 Cr Gross)12 Cr
TN4.5 Cr (9 Cr Gross)2.5 Cr (5 Cr Gross)
Kerala2.3 Cr (5.6 Cr Gross)1.3 Cr (2.9 Cr Gross)
North22.50 Cr (51 Cr Gross)11.50 Cr (26 Cr Gross)31 Cr
All india120 Cr
Overseas40 Cr (86 Cr Gross)29 Cr (62 Cr Gross)60 Cr (7.2 Million)
Worldwide133.49 Cr (251.9 Cr Gross)87.8 Cr (164.9 Cr Gross)180 Cr

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