Producer Damodar Prasad has rescheduled the audio release event yet again, this time it has been pushed ahead from the 25th December to the 3rd January. Naga Shourya’s Abbayitho Ammayi is releasing on January 1st. The promotion of the film is on and in this scenario the filmmakers would not want to include their event giving Abbayitho Ammayi the mileage. Kalyana Vaibhogame is releasing on January 22nd and has a very positive buzz, Nandini Reddy is touted to be striking back with her trademark humourous family entertainer like her first movie Ala Modalaindi. Malavika Nair and Naga Shourya are the lead pair and it is made on Ranjit Movies banner.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance