The highly anticipated teaser of the upcoming film ‘Kanguva’ has finally been released today. Originally scheduled for an April 2024 theatrical release, the movie has now been delayed due to the upcoming elections. However, the makers are now preparing for a grand release later this year, in both 3D and IMAX formats. The teaser provides a glimpse into the intense period drama, showcasing an epic clash between the characters played by Suriya and Bobby Deol. The teaser promises a thrilling action-packed entertainer. This film also marks Bobby Deol’s debut in the South film industry, following his success in Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’. Suriya portrays the role of Kanguva, also known as Kangaa, while Bobby Deol takes on the character of Udhiran in this high-budget production, set to be released in 10 different languages. Directed by Siruthai Siva, ‘Kanguva’ is an ambitious fantasy action film, boasting a massive budget of over Rs 300 crore. Produced in collaboration by Studio Green and UV Creations, this film features music by Devi Sri Prasad, cinematography by Vetri Palanisamy, and editing by Nishadh Yusuf.
Payal Rajput at Movie launch