Tollywood actors are now on a pan-Indian hunt and most of our stars are widely popular in Bollywood. Several top Bollywood directors and producers are in touch with our stars to collaborate for pan-Indian films. Top filmmaker Karan Johar has been on a hunt to do Telugu films for a long time. Though he did not get a direct opportunity to collaborate with our stars, Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions released some of the biggest South Indian hit films. As per the new update, Karan Johar will soon work with our stars.

Also Read : Karan Johar to remake his Blockbuster Film in South

Karan Johar is said to have paid hefty advances for three Tollywood top actors and the discussions for the possible collaborations are going on. He will produce films with these top stars and they will be made as straight Hindi films or pan-Indian projects. All these three Tollywood actors are in touch with Karan Johar and they are meeting the top filmmaker when they are in Mumbai. Karan Johar too is in plans to rent a lavish office space in Hyderabad to collaborate with young talent of Telugu cinema. For now, nothing has been materialized and Karan Johar will announce some of the biggest projects with Tollywood actors next year.

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