In a key development in phone tapping case, Radha Kishan Rao and Bujanga Rao got bail in High Court on Thursday. The two tainted officials got relief in HC, after being denied by Nampally Court earlier.
Radhakishan Rao had served as DCP of Telangana Taskforce during KCR’s tenure, and reportedly played a key role in targeting Opposition leaders, misusing his official position. He is very close to the Kalvakuntla family. Additional SP Bujanga Rao also reportedly worked hand in glove with BRS bosses then to trouble Opposition Congress leaders.
As soon as Congress came back to power, these officials ran into troubles, as Revanth Reddy Sarkar earnestly pursued phone tapping case. Finally both of these BRS-friendly officials got relief.
However High Court has put certain conditions while issuing bail. Court directed both to submit their Passport, as investigating officials expressed fear that accused may leave country.
HC also gave clear instructions to Radha Kishan Rao and Bujanga Rao not to influence witnesses and cooperate with the investigating officials.