The prestigious Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Awards for 2025 were recently conferred by President Droupadi Murmu at a grand ceremony in New Delhi. Chess prodigy D. Gukesh and shooting star Manu Bhaker were among the top athletes honored with the highest sporting accolade in India. The event also celebrated the achievements of para-athletes and coaches, with several Telugu athletes making their mark.
Chess sensation D. Gukesh was honored for his exceptional performances on the global stage. Shooting star Manu Bhaker continued her stellar run, adding another feather to her cap. Hockey player Harmanpreet Singh and para-athlete Praveen Kumar were also celebrated for their remarkable contributions to their respective sports.
Telugu athletes Jeevanji Deepthi and Jyothi Yarraji were honored with the Khel Ratna Award for their outstanding performances in para-athletics. In addition to the Khel Ratna Awards, 32 athletes received the Arjuna Award, and five coaches were honored with the Dronacharya Award. Notable Arjuna Awardees included Annu Rani (Athletics), Neetu (Boxing), Salima (Hockey), and Vantika Agarwal (Chess). Para-Arjuna Awardees like Rakesh Kumar (Para-Archery) and Manisha Ramdas (Para-Badminton) were also recognized for their achievements.
The ceremony also honored legends for their lifetime contributions to sports. Badminton star Muralidharan and football icon Armando Colaco received accolades for their enduring legacies.
Gukesh, the chess prodigy, traces his roots to Chenchuraju Kandriga village in Tirupati district, Andhra Pradesh. His family’s humble beginnings and his rise to global fame have made him a source of pride for the state and the nation.
The Khel Ratna Awards 2025 celebrated the spirit of Indian sports, honoring athletes and coaches who have brought glory to the nation.