Bollywood actress Kiara Advani has been recommended to take a break due to an intense work schedule, her representative said on Saturday, refuting reports that she has been hospitalized. The reports of her hospitalization emerged after Advani missed the trailer launch event of her upcoming film “Game Changer” on Saturday. The representative clarified that Kiara has not been admitted to a hospital and has been advised to rest because of her continuous non-stop work. Kiara was last seen in the 2023 movie “Satyaprem Ki Katha” alongside Kartik Aaryan.
Game Changer, a political action thriller directed by S Shankar, will mark her reunion with Telugu star Ram Charan after their previous collaboration in the 2019 film “Vinaya Vidheya Rama”. The film, also featuring S J Suryah, Anjali, Jayaram, Sunil, Naveen Chandra, and Samuthirakani, is scheduled for theatrical release on January 10. Kiara is shooting for War 2 along with Hrithik Roshan and NTR. She is also the leading lady in Yash’s Toxic which is in shooting mode. She has 5-6 new Hindi films that are in various stages of pre-production.