Kiara Advani is the highest paid Bollywood beauty and she is busy with a bunch of big-budget films. The actress teamed up for Ram Charan’s Game Changer that is due for release in a week. The actress is busy with packed schedules and she could not allocate dates for the promotions of Game Changer. She allocated one day for the Hindi promotions and they were wrapped up yesterday. Kiara Advani was present on the sets of Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss and The Kapil Sharma Show. She said no to the South promotions of Game Changer.
Ram Charan will participate in the pre-release event of Game Changer today in Rajahmundry. He will fly to Chennai for the promotional event of the film tomorrow. A press meet is scheduled in Bengaluru on January 6th. Kiara Advani will not be present for any of these events. Ram Charan too has restricted himself for the promotions of the film. He has not given any interviews in Telugu or participated in the media interactions. Game Changer promotions are not upto the mark considering the grand pre-release event of the film.