Tollywood actor Kiran Abbavaram fell in love with his Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru co-star Rahasya Gorak and they made their relationship official after years. The star couple tied the knot in August last year in a traditional wedding in Coorg. Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya are expecting their first child very soon. Kiran Abbavaram and Rahasya took their social media pages to make the news official. Kiran Abbavaram posted some beautiful pictures saying “Our love is growing by 2 feet”.
Kiran Abbavaram is back with a bang recently and his last film KA emerged as his biggest hit. He is done with the shoot of Dilruba, a romantic entertainer that will release on February 14th. He has lined up three new films and they will be announced after the release of Dilruba.