The moment he saw the film, he loved it and bought it says Ohmkar, brother of hero Ashwin who’s film is releasing tomorrow. Varaahi Chalanachitram is releasing the movie, they also released Ohmkar’s Rajugari Gadhi. What needs to be seen is if the Ice Cream girl Tejaswi, who started her career with a small role in the multi-starrer Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu will make her mark felt. Her last film Kerintha was a success, but she was one of the four female leads in the film. This is the first time she will be playing a solo female lead. Rakesh Sasii is debuting as a director with Jatha Kalise..The other contenders for Friday releases are Mama Manchu Alludu Kanchu, Bhale Manchi Roju, Soukhyam.
Pragya Jaiswal for Daaku Maharaaj movie promotions