The arrest of popular actor Allu Arjun by Hyderabad police turned out to be a sensational news across the country as the issue grabbed the headlines of the entire national media. The Pushpa actor was arrested over several charges in connection with the tragic death of a woman due to a stampede last Thursday. It was alleged that Allu Arjun didn’t give any prior notice to the local police due to which the commotion occured at the theatre.
In no time, the arrest of Allu Arjun has snowballed into a political issue as the main Opposition party in Telangana started attacking the ruling Congress party led by Revanth Reddy. BRS working president and former IT Minister KTR rallied behind Allu Arjun and hit out at the government for the incident. He called the arrest as an insecure act and criticised the government for treating Allu Arjun as a common criminal for something which he was indirectly responsible.
KTR condemned the arrest and called it as a high handed behaviour of the government. He demanded that Revanth Reddy should be arrested going by the same logic as two people feared dead due to HYDRA which was launched by his government. He posted a quote ” An insecure leader will always sabotage the people around them”.
KTR took to X and posted ” Arrest of National Award winning star Allu Arjun is the pinnacle of insecurity of the rulers!
I totally sympathize with the victims of the stampede but who failed really?
Treating @alluarjun Garu as a common criminal is uncalled for especially for something he isn’t directly responsible. There is always space for respect & dignified conduct.
I strongly condemn the high handed behaviour of Govt. Going by the same perverse logic, Revanth Reddy should be arrested for causing the death of two innocent people who died in Hyderabad because of the fear psychosis caused by Hydra”.