Tollywood actor Raj Tarun’s personal life is in deep trouble. As per the complaint filed by his ex-girlfriend Lavanya, the Narsingi cops have conducted a detailed investigation and filed a chargesheet. The report said that Raj Tarun and Lavanya lived together for years and there are clear proofs submitted by Lavanya. The investigation is in the court and a video of Lavanya visiting the Mumbai flat of Raj Tarun went viral over the weekend. Raj Tarun is said to be living together with actress Malvi Malhotra in Mumbai.

Lavanya has come out with a fresh claim that Raj Tarun and Malvi Malhotra have stolen the gold ornaments owned by Lavanya. She said that four bangles along with her mangalsutra and a chain were stolen. She presented the bills of purchase and she claimed that they are Rs 12 lakhs worth. She requested the media to support her in this tough time. Raj Tarun’s recent films have ended up as debacles and the actor has all his hopes on Bhale Unnade that is slated for this Friday release.

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