BRS working president and MLA KT Rama Rao got a big shock in High Court on Tuesday, as his Quash Petition was dismissed by the Court. KTR, who had served as Municipal and Industries Minister in the past, approached HC, requesting to quash the case filed by ACB regarding Formula E Racing financial irregularities.
While Supreme Court senior Advocate Siddarth Dave represented KTR, Advocate General Sudharshan Reddy presented the case on behalf of Anti Corruption Bureau in the High Court.
AG Sudarshan Reddy appealed that payments of about Rs 46 Cr were made to the organizers even before agreement, leading to irregularities and corruption. On the otherside Siddarth Dave argued that KTR has no role in Formula E Racing conduct and all the agreements were signed between officials and Formula E Racing organizers.
HC heard the arguments from both sides on Dec 31 and finally gave the verdict on KTR’s Quash petition on Jan 7, Tuesday.
KTR attended for ACB’s inquiry on Monday, but as officials did not allow his advocates to accompany him, he returned back, creating a scene.
With HC dismissing Quash Petition, line has been cleared for ACB to arrest KTR, if needed. While this development comes as a jolt for KTR, it has to be seen whether, he will approach Supreme Court in this matter.
Meanwhile KTR made an emotional tweet responding on these developments, saying that his comeback will be stronger than this setback.
Expressing his belief in Judiciary, KTR vowed to continue his fight for truth and hoped that today’s obstacles will give way to tomorrow’s triumph.