The demand for Nara Lokesh, to be appointed as Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is gaining unexpected support within the party. Several TDP senior leaders openly advocate for this move, calling it appropriate given Lokesh’s contributions and capabilities. Recently, senior leader Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy publicly expressed his support for this proposal on social media, adding momentum to the campaign.
Senior Leaders Back Lokesh
Earlier, during Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s visit to Kadapa, another senior leader, Reddappa Gari Srinivasulu Reddy, had voiced similar support for Lokesh’s elevation to the Deputy CM post. With Somireddy now joining the chorus, the demand is gaining traction within the party. Many leaders believe that Lokesh has proven his mettle and deserves a higher position in the government.
Within the TDP, discussions about Lokesh’s potential appointment as Deputy CM are becoming a daily topic. While some leaders are actively pushing for this move, others are cautious, suggesting that the party high command should address the matter formally. There are speculations about the cabinet reshuffles and additions in March, with Lokesh potentially being sworn in as Deputy CM alongside other changes.
Chandrababu Remains Unclear
Despite the growing support, AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s stance on this issue remains unclear. The party is currently under Lokesh’s strong influence, and many senior leaders are rallying behind him, citing his hard work and dedication over the past decade. They argue that Lokesh has consistently stepped back to make way for senior leaders in the past, but now is the time for him to take a more prominent role.
Nara Lokesh’s Journey
Lokesh has been actively involved in the party’s affairs for over a decade, working tirelessly to strengthen the TDP’s organizational structure and connect with the masses. His efforts, particularly during challenging times, have earned him respect within the party. Senior leaders believe that elevating him to the Deputy CM position would not only recognize his contributions but also bring fresh energy to the government.
As the demand for Nara Lokesh’s appointment as Deputy CM grows, all eyes are on Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the party’s high command. Will they heed the calls of senior leaders and make this significant change? Only time will tell.