The entire nation is eagerly waiting for the grand launch of Superstar Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli’s film. The movie will be launched in a grand manner today in Hyderabad. There would be no media interactions and the shoot commences in April. The film is rumored to be made on a budget of Rs 1000 crores and will have two parts. But the financials involved are much higher than predicted or speculated. The film will be in making for years and it will be released in two parts.
Considering the remunerations and the money spent on the making, the final budgets would cross Rs 1000 crores. Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu will take their remunerations and they will also share profits from the project. A top Hollywood studio will join hands with Rajamouli for the film. The top director has plans to release the film in English in all the countries simultaneously and this would be a bigger task. With a huge financial stress involved, the makers are collaborating with an international studio to make things easier to get a wide international release. Speculations say that the first part of this untitled forest adventure will release in 2027 and the second part will release in 2029. For now, everyone is waiting for an official announcement and it will be made soon. KL Narayana is the producer and MM Keeravani is the music composer.