Superstar Mahesh Babu has been in waiting mode since a year to join the sets of SS Rajamouli’s biggest attempt, a forest adventure that will be packed with action. The great launch of this most awaited Indian film has taken place today in Hyderabad. Mahesh Babu, Namratha along with the family members of SS Rajamouli and MM Keeravani participated in the launch. Mahesh Babu has a sentiment of not attending the pooja ceremonies of his films. Either his wife or his daughter attend the events.
But for the first time in the recent years, Mahesh Babu has broken the sentiment and participated in the pooja ceremony of SS Rajamouli’s film. The regular shoot of the film starts tomorrow in a special set constructed in Vijayawada. Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu will interact with the media soon to announce more details about the project. PS Vinod is handling the cinematography work and MM Keeravani is the music composer. KL Narayana is the producer of this big-budget attempt and the film is rumored to be shot in two parts.