Mahesh Babu is on a roll. He is all set to adopt villages in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana staying true to the spirit of Srimanthudu. Yesterday night the Super Star tweeted ” The Smart Village initiative lead by Chandra Babu Naidu garu prompted me to adopt my own village, Burripalem. This would not have happened without the support of my brother-in-law, Jayadev Galla, MP from Guntur. Very Humbled after receiving a congratulatory call on the success of Srimanthudu from Minister KTR. He suggested I adopt a village from the most backward district of Mahbubnagar as part of their Grama Jyothi initiative. I said YES 🙂 more details to be announced soon. Srimanthudu is a special film for many reasons 🙂 Gained immense respect and love from all my fans. Made me more human :)” We congratulate Mahesh Babu wholeheartedly for showing his kindness towards these villages.
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