Athadu is a memorable film for Mahesh Babu. The film has a cult fan base when screened on small screen. The film’s producer Murali Mohan earned big as he kept selling the digital and satellite rights after the deals are expired every time. The film also is a super hit in theatres. Trivikram is the director and Trisha is the leading lady. The film is now gearing up for re-release during the Maha Shivaratri holiday season in February 2025.
A record release for the film is planned considering the recent re-release run of Murari and other Mahesh Babu’s films. An official announcement will be made soon. Murali Mohan’s Jayabheri Arts produced Athadu and Manisharma scored the music. Mahesh Babu is on a break and the actor is preparing himself for the shoot of SSMB29 that will be directed by SS Rajamouli. The shooting formalities will start early next year.