Telangana State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao said that the Mallanna sagar will be completed by next year. Speaking at a meeting with farmers of Narsapur constituency farmers, KCR said that construction of the project will not stop despite evil forces challenging the government.

It may be recalled that on Sunday the residents of Vemulaghat village in Siddipet district entered one year of relay hunger strikes. The villagers have been demanding fair compensation for their land that the government is acquiring for Mallanna Sagar project. Vemulaghat is the only village that has not yet given up on their lands for construction.

Lawyer Rachana Reddy has taken up the case against the project in court. KCR previously accused the lawyer of creating hurdles in the way of his government’s project.

The village is demanding compensation as per Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act – 2013 (LA Act – 2013). But the government had offered them compensation under GO 123. Telangana even amended the land acquisition bill which got President’s assent last month and is an act.

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