As per reports, veteran actor Mohan Babu and his son Manchu Manoj have filed police complaints against each other following an alleged physical confrontation. The dispute reportedly centers around property matters and school-related issues.
According to media, Manchu Manoj arrived at the police station with visible injuries, claiming his father had physically assaulted him with the help of Vinay. He also alleged that his father attacked his wife during the incident. In a counter-complaint, Mohan Babu accused his son Manoj of initiating the physical altercation.
2023 incident :
This isn’t the first time the Manchu family has made headlines for internal disputes. In April 2023, a similar controversy emerged when Manchu Manoj shared a video of his brother Vishnu Manchu, though that incident was later suggested to be part of a reality show titled “House of Manchus.” Vishnu had shared the controversial clip with the caption “This is just the beginning… #HOM #HouseOfManchus,” leading to speculation about staged family drama.
The timing of this latest incident is particularly noteworthy as it comes when Mohan Babu is celebrating his 50-year milestone in the Telugu film industry.